Where should I look for FoodTech events?


I hope you had a great summer, and most of all had many interesting and widening experiences for those who had the opportunities to take some vacation. It is always fascinating to look at how different countries embrace some food trends (it seems that is easier to find vegan, rich in proteins and gluten-free snacks in a Latvian bus station than in the centre of Paris).

To extend a bit longer the idea of discovery and as we enter back-to-school season, I would like to answer one question we are asked the most: “which are the best events to go to for FoodTech?”. To be honest, it’s not easy to answer. Assuming we would know and have an opinion about every event, there is no “one-size-fits-all” as the diversity of formats and themes broaden each year. However, what I can humbly do, is to provide you with the list of the events we will be part of in the incoming months, at least as speakers.

So, here is the list (up to date, we have still a few discussions for events in November and December):

  • Kinder Earth Tech (August 26): let’s start a bit in the past. The first edition in Europe of this event dedicated to alternative proteins (plant-based and clean meat). I talked about the investments in these startups and what are the trends. If you were not there and are interested in the hottest startups and trends in the alternative proteins, let’s have a chat.
  • Food is not Dead (Lille, September 17): a one-day event. I will deliver a keynote: “How FoodTech startups will change the world?”
  • FoodUseTech (Dijon, September 19): a two-day event with many French FoodTech startups. we will be part of a panel of FoodTech investments
  • DigitalFoodLab breakfast on Delivery (Paris, September 24, invitation only). We will soon release a new report on Investments and trends on Delivery startups globally. If you want to know more, contact us.
  • Nutrevent (Rennes, October 23): a two-day event focused on nutrition. We will lead a panel: “How is the availability of equity money in the nutrition sector evolving?”
  • Jungle (Barcelona, October 24): an event dedicated to food robotics. We will be part of a panel on the impact of food robotics startups on the industry.
  • Food Security in the 21st century (Toronto, November 1st): We will bring our knowledge of FoodTech startups to see how they can contribute to better food security.

We would love to meet you at these events. Send us a mail and we can plan a meeting there. If this list of events has value, let us know and we will update it on our website. Finally, if you are a private or public event organiser and would like to book us for a talk, let’s talk about it!

FoodTech summer recap: what happened while you were away?
FoodTech critics?

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