62 degrés62 degrés is a 2.0 restaurant that delivers within 20 minutes fresh and healthy dishesAlbertsAlberts developed the world's first smoothies & soups robot for fresh, healthy snacks that you can personalized with an app.ChefMade (Neat Meal)ChefMade is Denmark's largest booking platform for private dining.ClickFoodClickFood is a comfortable online delivery of warm and varied food directly to you.EeworxEezytrace is an app dedicated to the digitalisation of daily food safety, quality and traceability.FingerlixFingerlix is a food processing company that prepares and produces Ready-to-Cook food for families.GoferGofer is a mobile application that simplifies the hiring of extras in the hospitality industry.Karma KitchenKarma Kitchen is a cloud kitchen startup.Lux RewardsLUX is a rewards app that connects fine diners with high-quality local restaurants in Bristol & Bath.Milano ViceMilano Vice is building a new virtual food brand by working with professional kitchens to prepare and deliver delicious pizzas to home.MonsieurGourmand.comMonsieurGourmand.com offers multi-site catering services to help companies organize events throughout FranceNatural Machines3D printers with fresh ingredientsOrderlioneCommerce OS for suppliers in the food supply chainPrint2Taste (Procusini)Procusini® is the world's first Plug & Play Food Printing SystemPrivateaserOne Place for each moment. Choose among 3000 bars, restaurants, clubs, rooms the place you want to book and privatize.Restaurant 2 NightRestaurant 2 Night is a simple concept for free table reservation & discountsResto'boxWe bring you balanced dishes on the doorstep or at your workplaceSafefood 360°Safefood 360° provides food safety management software for industry leading food businesses everywhere in the world.Smunch.coSmunch (Smart Lunch) delivers delicious and affordable lunch to hungry work teams.SnapshiftSnapshift is a staff management web solution for restaurants.SpiceboxGiving the Indian takeaway an update.SuperbSuperb is introducing a new way for restaurants to build relationships, maximise revenue and increase retention.TablebookerAn innovative startup that specialises in real-time (web based) restaurant reservation services.TenzoActionable business insights for restaurants and retail, delivered in-store, in real time and on your phoneTOTEMTotem's mission is to enhance social interactions at the workplace, by creating flexible & customized mini-cafeteria.VélissimeVélissime is a bicycle meal delivery service for lunch breaks at the office.YanuFully autonomous A.I. and robot empowered bartending unit. It serves drinks, handles payments, identifies and communicates with clients.Yellow.MenuYellow is a revolutionary service that offers you chef-cooked meals and have them delivered right to your home or office.«1…34567…12»