Amai ProteinsAmai is a biotechnology company providing computationally-designed proteins for the food marketBenfitBenfit primarily engages in the manufacture and supply of high-protein baked goods.BITEBACKINSECTInsect bio-refinery company based in Indonesia. We are creating sustainable and nutrient-dense alternative for palm oil made of edible insectBodega.aiBodega install kinds of convenience store-like kiosks right into apartment buildings, gyms, or other infrastructure that’ll sell the goodsCelicityCommitted to gluten-free social wellbeingDeli OstrichDeli Ostrich puts exotic meat products from around the world on your dinner table.EpinutraEpinutra specializes in developing natural nutraceuticals based on a strong scientific foundation.Flying SparkProvider and manufacturer of a protein. The company harvests, processes and sells an extremely rich and environmentally friendly protein isolated from the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) larvaeFoodChain - Preventing food wasteWeb and Mobile Blockchain Platform for the shared food economyFoodzFoodz is a community platform for restaurantsGebniGebni is an alternative Food Ordering Mobile App using real time market pricing of takeout food to help boost restaurants' sales and reduce Food Waste.GoodNews CoffeeGood Coffee for Good PeopleGryöThe first super bar in Europe with dried fruit & insect flourHealth WarriorNatural food company selling nutrition bars and other healthy snacksHippeasChanging snacking for the better, one chickpea at a time.JeFileForget about waiting in lineKyanosKyanos is a biotech company established in 2016 and based in Toulouse, France.LongonyaLongonya creates new value for fruits via the vinification processMIYOKO'SMiyoko’s Kitchen is a food production company that produces artisan cultured Vegan cheese and butter.ModeratoPioneer of low-no quality wine, committed to the planetNext FoodEdible insects manufacturer b2b and b2cPleesecakesPleesecakes is a cheesecake business producing innovative fmcg products including Freezecakes & Chuffles.SmartLunchSmartLunch is a platform to organize meals for employees at workplace with funding from the employer.Standing OvationAnimal-free dairy cheese.Tilby (ex Scolby)Tilby (formerly Scloby) turns your tablet into an innovative cash register!TymTym, the app to pay and order in advanceWannabeerThe app to explore the world of beers through the bars and breweries of your region.YoushFood alternative. Yoush is a tasty, plant-based meal full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats.«1…2122232425…28»