AfineurAfineur crafts better, healthier and more sustainable food using natural fermentations. AussielentAussielent is the product of our mission to bring a nutrient rich, hassle free food to the time-poorBg MenuBGMENU is an online platform for food ordering and delivery including over 250 restaurants in Bulgaria, which increase in number every day.Boxbotrobotics and autonomous technologies into a scalable end-to-end solutionCook'n'boxCook'n Box is a weekly recipe-kit delivery service.DrinkrootKAVA GROWN NATURALLY, THE WAY ITS BEEN DONE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.DrinkWellDrinkWell provides low calories based Alcohol.FlorentinFlorentin BV was focused on producing fresh, authentic and appetizing Mediterranean delicatessens.FweeFwee transform unsold fruits into fruit leather by a dehydration processifoodIFood is an online food delivery portal that develops an innovative system so users can order deliveries on the internet with no hassle.La Petite TrancheLa Petite Tranche offers a box of charcuterie highlighting small producers and their know-how.Le petit producteurYour producer is personally committed to the quality of the product he offers by displaying his name and his photo! MedMenMedMen owns and operates licensed cannabis facilities in cultivation, manufacturing and retail.MuchoMucho is a platform that brings together brands, retailers and content providers that share this passion.mybabyallergy.commybabyallergy is a digital platform that tries to make lives of families with children having any kind of food allergy/intolerance easierNom NomsCHEAPER. GREENER. SMARTERNutriatiNutriati is a food technology company focused on the research, development and commercialization of innovative plant-based food ingredients.OderUpOrderUp, a Groupon company, is the most complete food delivery marketplace for restaurants outside of the top metros.Pieter PotPieter Pot delivers groceries with free packaging that is plastic-free.PubsterSkycartSkycart builds drone delivery solutions to help companies reduce shipping costs.StopMyCravingFind healthy food alternatives matching your cravings or dietary preferences and have your products delivered directly at home!SuperMeatSuperMeat is an Israeli bio-tech & food-tech startup, developing a technology to create clean meat from chicken cellsSweet PumpkinSweet Pumpkin distributes high-quality pumpkin seed productsThe Purple CarrotThe Purple Carrot is a plant-based meal delivery service, offering all the pre-measured ingredients so you can cook healthy meals at home.UnrealUNREAL is a Boston-based food company attempting to rid the world of junk food by providing healthier candy and snack options.WaracakeWaraCake is Nigeria's Largest cake marketplace.WOOWA BROSWOOWA BROS is a Korean developer of smartphone applications and advertising platforms.«1…1011121314…28»