6d bytesBuilds robotics systems to prepare and serve fresh & delicious smoothie.AlantayaAlantaya is a meal planning solution for people with health or diet issuesBookatableBookatable by Michelin makes exploring, discovering and booking a restaurant easy through their app and website, on mobile or desktop.BrigadBrigad is an app that enables self-employed professionals and businesses to connect for short-term missions.CheerfyThe new way restaurants sell post-COVIDCooccioKitchen rentalCOPHIOffers high quality product, classes and culinary experience around the coffee.DietLabsDietLabs is platform which change people's habits in a dieting and lifestyle.DNAFitRaise awareness of genetic testing for sports performance and weight management at all levels.EsmileyeSmiley is an electronic self-control tool that offers online food safety management systems for all types of food processing companies.FoodVisorThe Foodvisor application counts the number of calories of a plate from a single picture.KitchDelivery-first kitchens housing the most exciting restaurants in town.KoustKoust aims to improve the overall efficiency of your restaurant.L'orangerie de parisL'orangerie de paris is the specialist in the automatic distribution of pressed orange juice in Paris Ile de France.limberThe app for hospitality staff and venuesLinkeeLinkee allows every citizen to act in a simple, flexible and concrete way for solidarity for the poor, while reducing food waste.Make Me Healthy (PowerDiet)Power diet helps people rebalance their dietMakr ShakrPremium robotic drink-serving machineMatchaIntelligent digital sommelier dedicated to wine sellersMenu Technologies AGComplete online ordering and engagement solution for restaurant brands across all channels from Mobile to Kiosk and Web.MártogatósMártogatós is a business catering solutions provider that offers alternative to the usual cold dishes.NestorNestor cooks and delivers dishes prepared by professional chefsNutritioPersonalized nutrition at your fingertipsOnestaff (Club des Extras)The best extras in the restaurant industrySiouplaîtSiouplaît optimizes order and payment processes.TriDiFoodiesFood 3D impressionWyndWynd is a software company with a SaaS model providing an omnichannel commerce platform for both online and offline mode (POS, e-commerce, Kiosk, Tablet, Mobile, etc).ZtoveThe sensor placed in the bottom of the cookware provides very precise control over the temperature and enables many new cooking possibilities.«1…1112131415…17»