AGROINSIDERConsulting and Technological tools, for the agribusiness value chain. SaaS solutions.AugmentaAutomated Precision Application of farm inputs in real-time, boosting yield, enhancing quality & reducing input spend using deep learning.Babylone GrowersInnovative farming to feed the growing populationBrioagroWe help farmers to improve the information they obtain on the evolution of their crops by monitoring in real time the main variables in which they can intervene.CitizenFarmCitizenFarm's objective is to improve biodiversity in the city and to raise people's awareness of sustainable developmentConnecterraConnecterra is an agtech startup using AI to optimize the diary farming industry.Consumer PhysicsConsumer Physics’ mission is to empower consumers and businesses to learn about the makeup of materialsdropnostixdairy monitoring solutionsFasalFasal is an AI-powered IoT-SaaS platform for horticulture that simplifies the process of cultivating crops.FruitbullFruitbull is a measurement tool in the sector, elaborating information in real time and the trend in the horticultural industry.Fruition SciencesFruition Sciences provides web-application tools to winemakers and grape-growers to improve vineyard management decision-makingGaiagoGaiago is an agtech company that produces soil improvement tools.HollandPlug (Hollandbioproducts)Cost and consumption efficient solutions that contribute to sustainable growth in agricultural and horticultural applications.IndigoIndigo improves grower profitability, environmental sustainability through the use of natural microbiology and digital technologies.InnovaFeedInnovaFeed is a biotech company producing insect-based protein for the feed industry.NextAlimNextAlim offers producers of biowaste a solution to "recycle" their byproducts, using insect filled biorectorsNileworksIt is a multicopter that automatically recognizes the shape of the fieldNoray SeafoodSeafood - ultra-fresh & eco-friendly shrimpNordic HarvestHigh-tech production facility of locally grown greens and herbsPhenospexWe believe that the industrial agriculture of today is running on costs of tomorrow.Saga RoboticsSaga Robotics develops autonomous robots capable of performing a wide variety of agricultural operations.Seaweed SolutionsSeaweed Solutions is a seaweed innovation and business development company.SensoterraSensoterra's wireless, IoT, low cost soil moisture probes help farmers effectively irrigate crops, save water, cut costs & increase yieldsSoil ScoutSoil Scout massively optimizes Water & Energy usage by providing permanent buried wireless monitoring.ToutiloToutilo is a cobot providing a solution to market gardeners, arborists, and producers of aromatic plants to work in better conditionsWeather MeasuresWeather measures is a precision meteorology expertWisecropWisecrop is the Agricultural Operating SystemYnsectYnsect transforms insects into animal feed.«1…678910»