AgroopTechnological solution for crop monitoringAniprevAniprev helps poultry farmers with daily farming analytics and monitoringCheerfyThe new way restaurants sell post-COVIDComparateurAgricole.comOnline comparator site: the best opportunities for farmersDemand Side InstrumentsDemand Side Instruments, they are aware of the finiteness of natural resources around the world.DilepixComputer Vision for Agricultural Robots and Equipmentsec2ceec2ce creates decision support tools for agricultural sector based on Artificial Intelligence.EkylibreEkylibre simplifies farm management; it offers an open-source management application for a connected and sustainable agricultureFaunaPhotonicsFaunaPhotonics monitor insects to ensure sustainable crop utilization and to improve tools for disease control and biodiversity.ForFarmingSmart Agriculture for a Healthy FutureHarmonyHarmony is a pioneer in hemp, crafting innovative CBD products to bring the full potential of cannabinoids all over the world.Ixoriguè TechnologiesIxoriguè Technologies are into livestock business.KoustKoust aims to improve the overall efficiency of your restaurant.limberThe app for hospitality staff and venuesLinkeeLinkee allows every citizen to act in a simple, flexible and concrete way for solidarity for the poor, while reducing food waste.Loop Dee ScienceMaking molecular biology faster and more accessible!Menu Technologies AGComplete online ordering and engagement solution for restaurant brands across all channels from Mobile to Kiosk and Web.MártogatósMártogatós is a business catering solutions provider that offers alternative to the usual cold dishes.OmbreaOmbrea is developing a turnkey climate regulation tool, adapted to crops sensitive to weather hazards.Onestaff (Club des Extras)The best extras in the restaurant industryRowbot SystemsRowBot Systems LLC develops and provides a robotic machine that allows farmers to practice in-season nitrogen management.SamsysSamsys offers farmers traceability solutions for their interventions in their fields, without any input.SeaWater CubesAquaculture of the futureSkiraPlatform - Enabling the future of sustainable grain supplyTrabotyxPrecision weed automation for open-field farmers, reducing dependency on manual labor and improving a farmers bottom lineTriDiFoodiesFood 3D impressionVia végétaleProducts to increase nitrogen in soils and reduce the carbon impact of vegetable protein cropsWyndWynd is a software company with a SaaS model providing an omnichannel commerce platform for both online and offline mode (POS, e-commerce, Kiosk, Tablet, Mobile, etc).«1…1415161718…22»