Adalékmentesen KftPOLCZ - a new dimension of durable meals.AlbothermAlbotherm offers a smart transitioning coating technology.Boon Foodconcepts100% vegetable products based on Dutch beans.BreedrBreedr is a productivity and marketing platform that’s transforming the livestock supply-chain.CellulaREvolution (CellRev)high expertise in the designing and testing of self-assembling peptides providing different benefits when culturing adherent cells in vitro.CopeeksMonitor your productions !DietoxThe mission is to clean up people to their best version.ElaisianElaisian is a precision farming system that prevents diseases for olive groves and vineyards.EnvirolizerSustainable & Natural Farming, producing more yield, bigger and more nutritious better tasting cropsFarmbettermobile phone application that provides tailored recommendations to farmers based on their location, practices and goals.Happy Drinks CoHappy Drinks Co is the charge towards a happy, healthier, more sustainable future.Jones Food CompanyJones Food Company developer of agriculture products intended to provide through vertical farming.KapseraKapsera offers natural and innovative formulations for microbials based biofertilizers and biopesticides.KarnottKarnott offers a connected device to track agricultural equipmentKloster KitchenKloster Kitchen is a monastery kitchen as the root of unique taste.MoodizMoodiz offers fresh, healthy and refined juices and vegetables.NuriNuri is a modern brand for frozen baby food which tastes like homemade.ONDO Smart Farming SolutionsWe help farmers become more profitable by providing state-of-the-art automation solution for greenhouses and open fieldsOneGumOneGum markets smart chewing gums, enriched in active ingredients.PAF le jus Pressé A FroidPAF is like a home-made juice. With 500g of fruits and vegetables per bottle, it will give you vitality!ProdealcenterProdealcenter is an e-commerce platform for farm-specific equipment purchased on the InternetRobinGoodRobinGood is a food marketer that comes from social companies.SmartCloudFarmingAgTech, Agriculture, DeepTech, Remote Sensing, Data Analytics, Soil AnalyticsSundoseSundose is a manufacturer of hyper-personalized diet supplements sold globally in monthly subscription.True GumPlastic free chewing gumViVi - Green InnovatorsTurn-key solution for a complete laboratory for any starting material (tissue culture, seed, and cuttings) or leafy finished crop.Votremachine.comRental of agricultural equipment between farmersYummygumsYummygums is a vitamin startup.«1…1213141516…26»