AGROINSIDERConsulting and Technological tools, for the agribusiness value chain. SaaS solutions.Amai ProteinsAmai is a biotechnology company providing computationally-designed proteins for the food marketBITEBACKINSECTInsect bio-refinery company based in Indonesia. We are creating sustainable and nutrient-dense alternative for palm oil made of edible insectCitizenFarmCitizenFarm's objective is to improve biodiversity in the city and to raise people's awareness of sustainable developmentConsumer PhysicsConsumer Physics’ mission is to empower consumers and businesses to learn about the makeup of materialsDeli OstrichDeli Ostrich puts exotic meat products from around the world on your dinner table.FermentalgFermentalg is engaged in the production of micro-algae for the agrifood, healthcare and energy markets.Flying SparkProvider and manufacturer of a protein. The company harvests, processes and sells an extremely rich and environmentally friendly protein isolated from the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) larvaeFruitbullFruitbull is a measurement tool in the sector, elaborating information in real time and the trend in the horticultural industry.GoodNews CoffeeGood Coffee for Good PeopleGryöThe first super bar in Europe with dried fruit & insect flourHealth WarriorNatural food company selling nutrition bars and other healthy snacksHippeasChanging snacking for the better, one chickpea at a time.HollandPlug (Hollandbioproducts)Cost and consumption efficient solutions that contribute to sustainable growth in agricultural and horticultural applications.InnovaFeedInnovaFeed is a biotech company producing insect-based protein for the feed industry.Just, IncJUST is a food technology company with a mission is to build a food system where everyone has access to delicious, nutritious food.KissalaKissala offers super spice and herbs. Blends are specially developed to bring health benefits.LongonyaLongonya creates new value for fruits via the vinification processMinor FiguresMinor Figures is a cold brew coffee that aims to make cold brew more accessible whilst upholding the quality and values.MIYOKO'SMiyoko’s Kitchen is a food production company that produces artisan cultured Vegan cheese and butter.ModeratoPioneer of low-no quality wine, committed to the planetNext FoodEdible insects manufacturer b2b and b2cNextAlimNextAlim offers producers of biowaste a solution to "recycle" their byproducts, using insect filled biorectorsNileworksIt is a multicopter that automatically recognizes the shape of the fieldNoray SeafoodSeafood - ultra-fresh & eco-friendly shrimpPureFoodPureFood changes the rules of the sports food industry with simple, transparent and naturally adapted nutritional products.Saga RoboticsSaga Robotics develops autonomous robots capable of performing a wide variety of agricultural operations.Soil ScoutSoil Scout massively optimizes Water & Energy usage by providing permanent buried wireless monitoring.«1…1920212223…26»