AfineurAfineur crafts better, healthier and more sustainable food using natural fermentations. AussielentAussielent is the product of our mission to bring a nutrient rich, hassle free food to the time-poorDegust&Co Degust&Co is the reference website for online reservation to tasty and convivial eventsDrinkrootKAVA GROWN NATURALLY, THE WAY ITS BEEN DONE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.E-Picuree-picure provides restaurant owners a innovative solution for highlighting menus and wines list.FarmforceFarmforce is a cloud-based digital platform designed for off-takers and cooperatives to conveniently capture and store farmer information.FlorentinFlorentin BV was focused on producing fresh, authentic and appetizing Mediterranean delicatessens.Flyt (Flypay)Flypay is an app platform to transform the restaurant experience.FweeFwee transform unsold fruits into fruit leather by a dehydration processGet Day OfferSearch and book special offers, local and typical dishes in the nearest restaurants with personal preferences (AI)Green HoppingGreenHopping, is health & wellness technology platform.MedMenMedMen owns and operates licensed cannabis facilities in cultivation, manufacturing and retail.mybabyallergy.commybabyallergy is a digital platform that tries to make lives of families with children having any kind of food allergy/intolerance easierNutriatiNutriati is a food technology company focused on the research, development and commercialization of innovative plant-based food ingredients.OsitradeOsitrade is a blockchain secured agricultural marketplacePaleocoinUse the power of crypto in the agricultural industry to secure nutritious food and cultivate biological produce.PlexureWe use mobile to deliver personalized offers that drive more customers to store, more often, with measurable results.PubsterQlessIt's the world's first mobile queuing platform, trusted by leading brands and establishments in six continents Recrute MinuteFind a job or an employee within 3 clicsRicultRicult has introduced state-of-the-art systems to help farmers in every step.Sweet PumpkinSweet Pumpkin distributes high-quality pumpkin seed productsUAV-IQ Precision AgricultureData management, workflows and field management tools for precision agriculture.UnrealUNREAL is a Boston-based food company attempting to rid the world of junk food by providing healthier candy and snack options.Urban cuisineDesigner of an indoor vegetable garden.VinoRestoAn online booking service allowing you to bring your own bottle of wine to the restaurant.Voulez Vous DinerVoulezVousDiner: booking dinners between individuals. Meet and to open up culture through cooking and gastronomy.WaracakeWaraCake is Nigeria's Largest cake marketplace.«1…1617181920…43»