AgriAgreePremière place de marché agricole gratuite pour acheter et vendre vos fournitures et productions!Baedel MinjeokBaedal Minjeok is a Seoul-based restaurant deliveryBigSisSustainable Insect Control SolutionsCaliCali livre un menu typique lyonnais prêt à cuisiner en 30’ à base de produits locaux | Tous les ingrédients sont fournis ainsi que la fiche recette :)ChoufleurDes plats frais pour les enfants en bas âgesDEMIPlatform that allows creators to get paid while building culinary communities and conversation.DonneMoiFaimDonneMoiFaim permet de trouver où manger dans les alentoursEazeatLa seule application "no stress" Eazeat App pour réserver, commander, inviter et payer au restoFellow RobotsFellow Robots is Empowering your retail workforce with Inventory Management and Customer Service.FooducerFooducer is a digital B2B platform with tools created for all in the food industry.Infinite Roots (formerly MushLabs)Infinite Roots is a biotech company that produces sustainable foods from the roots of mushrooms using fermentation.KatKinKatKin is a Fresh take on cat health – putting cats, and their people first.KochpostKochpost is the smartest way to cook time-saving, comfortable and healthy for yourself and your family or friends.MarbleMeatableMeatable is a food production company that produces guilt-free meat.Meeting Point ProLa première solution mobile pour connecter grossiste, revendeur, dé vos clientsMicroHarvestProduction of bacterial single cell protein solutionsMyditekDigital solution for optimizing agricultural production systems.NiceToMealYouNiceToMealYou vous permet de découvrir des tables d'hôte.Pact CoffeeService de livraison de café fraisPIXEVIAPIXEVIA - artificial intelligence for retailPriorPrior est une plate-forme de commerce en ligne pour les entreprises de l'industrie alimentaire et des boissons.RESPECTfarmsWe focus on leveraging the existing expertise, networks, and entrepreneurial spirit of our farmers instead of replacing them.S+dBS+dB is a developer of a plant seed-embedding technology to improve seed germination, seedling establishment, seed handling, and sowing.SaturoDevelopment, production and distribution of fortified beverages, fortified foods (including meal substitutes, food supplements, bars and shakes)Uber EatsUber Eats is a food delivery platform that makes getting great food from a favorite local restaurants as easy as requesting a ride.UmiamiMaking incredible meatless meat healthier than ever.ZELPZELP aims to significantly reduce the environmental impact of the livestock industry.«1…3435363738…58»