AlfonsinoThe food delivery of small citiesAlver World SAAlver offers a range of high protein vegan foods made with golden chlorella micro-algae.AugmentaAutomated Precision Application of farm inputs in real-time, boosting yield, enhancing quality & reducing input spend using deep learning.Babineslollipops, chocolates, custom-made desserts made with 3D printersBaguette à bicycletteBaguette à Bicyclette livre l'aliment préféré des français chez vous à vélo !Delicorner (Pickr)Creator of healthy and organic break. Pickr deliver healthy and organic snacking to companiesdropnostixdairy monitoring solutionsElyEly prépare pour vous de délicieux cocktails à base de fruits et légumes frais et d'alcool sélectionnés livrés en bouteilles de 50cl à partager.Freche FreundeErdbär is a young and innovative company focused on offering healthy snacks for kids.Fresh Me UpFresh Me Up est une entité économique et écologique qui vise à réduire le gâchis alimentaire.Fruition SciencesFruition Sciences aide les viticulteurs et les œnologues à optimiser leur production de raisin ainsi que leurs ressourcesGreen bloomGreen bloom propose une machine qui conserve et distribue un nouvel aliment bien-être : la chlorelleIndigoIndigo improves grower profitability, environmental sustainability through the use of natural microbiology and digital technologies.Luckin CoffeeNatufia LabsWe are the Nespresso for plants and herbsOKFArtisan torréfacteur, café en grain pour entreprises. Achat ou location des machines à caféOrder YoyoThe take-away market is about returning customers - NOT about acquiring new customers.RebaelOrganic crafted beverages - with and without alcoholSensoterraSensoterra's wireless, IoT, low cost soil moisture probes help farmers effectively irrigate crops, save water, cut costs & increase yieldsShopwaveShopwave provides merchant infrastructure as a service, combining an iPad based PoS, with loyalty, couponing and payment services.SimrisSimris produces unique ingredients from farmed microalgae instead of fish and other marine animals.Slow controlA connected fork that tracks your eating habits and guides you to become a slower eaterTaste of KenyaTaste of Kenya is an Agritech startup simplifying the supply chain by connecting Kenyan farmers to coffee buyers globally through direct trade.Third Wave Coffee VenturesCool Cold Brew is a range of healthier chilled coffee drinks.ToutiloVia TerroirsVia Terroirs connects local producers to professionals in the food industry. The platform helps producers to plan their distribution at local scale and sell to catering professionals.WINCWinc's story began in 2012 when we founded Club W: the world's first personalized wine club.Wine AdvisorWine Advisor: scan, rate, share, and buy the best wines and Champagnes.«1…4849505152…58»