Better NatureBy leveraging proprietary technologies, Better Nature is one of the UK's fastest growing clean-label meat alternative startups.BuntfinkFonctional teaCellulaREvolution (CellRev)high expertise in the designing and testing of self-assembling peptides providing different benefits when culturing adherent cells in vitro.EvopeThrough research, science and ancient knowledge of nature, we are establishing a new category of high-performance sports supplement productsFruitfunkFruitFunk brings the wishes and desires from both children and parents together by creating fun and responsible snack concepts.Goodlife CompanyGoodlife Company is to make a healthy living easy for everybody.Impossible FoodsImpossible Foods focuses on developing plant-based substitutes for meat, dairy, and fish products.Incapto CoffeeIncapto Coffee offers the sale of the automatic coffee machine and a subscription system for coffee beans.Kloster KitchenKloster Kitchen is a monastery kitchen as the root of unique taste.KnalleThe finest popcornKulauKULAU develops and markets organic and sustainable coconut products from selected plantations.Le Beau ThéLe Beau Thé élabore des infusions detox à base de superfruits, de plantes rares et d’infusions qu’utilisaient nos grands-mèresLuicella's Ice CreamLuicella's Ice Cream provides an ice cream and stroll to the Outer Alster.MoodizMoodiz offers fresh, healthy and refined juices and vegetables.MycoTechnologyNous transformons les champignons pour ne garder que le meilleur: le goût, les apport nutritionnelles, les bienfaits pour la santé.Natural MojoNatural Mojo, ingrédients et compléments alimentaires naturelsOneGumPAF le jus Pressé A FroidPAF c'est un jus comme à la maison, toujours à portée de main. Avec 500g de fruits et légumes par bouteille, il est votre allié vitalité!PULS NutritionPULS Nutrition is a Finnish company focusing on sport nutrition products and healthy snacksQuealImprove your life with Queal: Quick, tasty & complete mealsRevyveSimple, sustainable microbial ingredients that unlock the future of foodRipple FoodsRiplle Foods propose une alternative au lait traditionnel, sans origine animale, avec autant de protéine et 2 fois moins de sucreShanty BiscuitFabrication sur-mesure de biscuits expressifsShileoKonjac rice and konjac noodles subscriptionSpooning Cookie DoughCookie Dough Pops, Cup Cakes and Cookie Dough Ice CreamThe ice Crime FactoryIce Crime is a Belgian ice cream brand, naturally sweetened with stevia.True GumPlastic free chewing gumWonderpotsLes yaourts glacés Wonderpots sont fabriqué à partir du lait frais bio de vaches heureuses ... de Brandebourg!«1…7891011…17»