3Bears Foods3Bears Foods enable a balanced and delicious breakfast for everyone.3WeineBox wine tasting and wine marketplaceA Chef's TourA Chef's Tour provides unique food experiences around the worldAppieAppie reinvents cider to make it a modern and spontaneous drinkBastani tehranBastani Tehran is the producer of the traditional Persian Safron Ice cream (Bastani-e Zafarani or Bastani Sonnati) & Faloodeh (Paloodeh)BeerhiveBeerhive is a co-creation community building the coolest source of beer tasting profiles.Ciel mon radis !Indoor vegetable garden for officesEDOThe information you need about the products you purchase.ElivarElivar is a sports nutrition company exclusively focused on developing energy and recovery products to deliver a performance edge for +35 year olds.FeastlyUne place de marché mettant en relation cuisiniers passionnées et amateur de bonne cuisine.FLÖRFlör ce sont des boissons bios et pétillantes à base de fleurs reconnues bienfaisantes pour la santé.FoodspringFoodspring is a premium fitness food & sports nutrition company.Happy Plates (ex Feinkoch)Meal planning, grocery shopping & cooking have never been easierKombutxaLehayimMasaba Coffee grows out of a Swiss project in Uganda, where 7,000 farmers are provided with the know-how to produce a coffee of excellence.Maya MilkMaya Milk is a fermentation company that produces animal-free dairy alternatives.Mes petites foliesVegan low calorific treatsNighthawksLes meilleurs bars à cocktails parisiens livrés chez vous en 30 minutesNopaïUn jus de fruits sain, savoureux, exotique et bio ? C'est Nopaï ! Le meilleur du Nopal en bouteilleNordisk TangNordisk Tang (Nordic Seaweed) is a significant player within fine foods in Scandinavia.Peas of HeavenPeas of Heaven is a company that produces pea-based burgers, sausages and mince.PuritionPurition creates healthy protein shakes and meal replacements using only the very best clean and natural ingredients.Soul-spiceSoulSpice is the new organic spice company for people who care about good food with a good purpose.TeatoxTeatox believes in the wholesome benefits of natural ingredients.VibeProducts that will help you to overcome another day of hard work, regenerate after a workout or a good partyVitageneLa première plateforme pour recommandation personnalisée conçu spécifiquement en adéquation avec votre mode de vie et ADN. WishmoodWishmood is a Webapp that extends bars and restaurants working areas!ZimplisticKitchen robotic appliance for Roti, Puri and Pizza«1234…22»