AllergoBoxAllergobox est un site dédié à la simplification du quotidien des personnes allergiques et intolérantes alimentaires.Avis de GourmetsFind the best products, discover the producers and artisans recommendedAziLaPranzDaily listing and aggregator service of special offers from the restaurants in your cityBeendhi / BeendiBeendhi delivers vegetarian and Indian products to consumers in order to easily prepare tasty and healthy recipesCastalieCastalie, l'alternative aux eaux en bouteillesChickenbotLe poulet le plus délicieux dans votre maison en un clicCollectiv FoodCollectiv Food is an automated and sustainable food supply chain that provides businesses with transparency and lower costs of ingredientsDalumaNATURAL GOOD NUTRIENTSDeep Branch BiotechnologyDeep Branch Biotechnology is developing scalable technology aimed at transforming the polluters of today into the producers of tomorrow.ElsyChocolate balls with less sugarEvogroEvogro Ltd is focused on using cutting-edge horticultural technology to enable people to grow their own vegetables, whether they lack space, time or know-how.ForkyForky is a venture backed, fast growing, innovative food company that brings you great food in minutes.GuestonlineGuestonline est un cahier de réservation numérique et CRM conçu avec et pour les restaurateursHapiwine1ère wineapp basée sur l'analyse sensorielle pour trouver des vins qui correspondent à vos goûtsJubilesJubiles manufactures with conviction innovative drinks in the Paris region, from fresh, organic and fair trade products.Kynda (ex Keen 4 Greens)Keen 4 Greens offers a wide range of vegan products.La Boîte à Champignons - UpcycleA la Boîte à Champignons, on récupère du marc de café pour faire pousser des pleurotes. Local, circulaire et simplement délicieux !Les 3 ChouettesFinis les chips et les cacahuètes, Les 3 Chouettes vont mettre du pep's à tous les moments qui se mangent avec leurs pickles de légumes bio et locaux.LiveFreshFresh & cold-pressed juicesMeal CanteenMeal Canteen allows collective catering to know in advance the affluence and choice of guests via a booking system on the web or mobile.mybacsmybacs is a Biotechnology company specialized in the human microbiome.Nona (ex Maïa)Nona design sustainable menus, saving them time on paperwork, budget tracking and communication.NubioNubio confectionne chaque jour des cures Detox à base de jus frais de légumes crus pressés à froid.PiccoloDes produits bio pour bébésRejolt (ex Business Table)Business Table helps companies to book a restaurant or any another catering optionRevoRevo France est la filiale Française de l’éditeur Revo System.TerraVeganeCREATING VEGAN ALTERNATIVES WITH A WELL-BALANCED MIX OF FLAVOUR, NUTRITION, COMPASSION, AND CREATIVITY.We are Canny«1…293031323334»