365FarmNetUn logiciel agricole novateur, la solution pour l'ensemble de votre exploitation.AgrifluxAgriflux is a marketplace connecting the best regional producers to local shops in ToulouseAugmentaAutomated Precision Application of farm inputs in real-time, boosting yield, enhancing quality & reducing input spend using deep learning.BrioagroWe help farmers to improve the information they obtain on the evolution of their crops by monitoring in real time the main variables in which they can intervene.ChefferAI Procurement Optimization for RestaurantsCreatordropnostixdairy monitoring solutionsEatFirstDe délicieux repas, conçus pour être livrésFoodnotifyFoodNotify enables HoReCa businesses to unlock the digital food world, to meet their customers needs and comply with the law while increasing profit!FoodsterLivraison de plats faits maison chez vous ou à votre bureau.Fruition SciencesFruition Sciences aide les viticulteurs et les œnologues à optimiser leur production de raisin ainsi que leurs ressourcesHollandPlug (Hollandbioproducts)Cost and consumption efficient solutions that contribute to sustainable growth in agricultural and horticultural applications.IndigoIndigo improves grower profitability, environmental sustainability through the use of natural microbiology and digital technologies.Le ZesteLe Zeste, c’est votre festin quotidien : des repas délicieux, raffinés et créatifs, livrés en 20 minutes, au déjeuner comme au dîner.MybakerFounded in 2017, myBaker is an online cake concierge connecting independent bakers to customers across the UK.NextAlimNextAlim offers producers of biowaste a solution to "recycle" their byproducts, using insect filled biorectorsOn mange quoiOn Mange Quoi offers prepared meals, cooked by local artisans and food actors, available in automated retail kiosksOrder YoyoThe take-away market is about returning customers - NOT about acquiring new customers.Pasta EvangelistsDes pâtes italiennes fraîches et artisanales livrées chaque semaine à travers Londres. Juste 5 minutes à faire.PhenospexWe believe that the industrial agriculture of today is running on costs of tomorrow.PhosphorlandPhosphorland is to provide current and future farmers a set of products and technological solutions targeting the farm sector.Saga RoboticsSaga Robotics develops autonomous robots capable of performing a wide variety of agricultural operations.SensoterraSensoterra's wireless, IoT, low cost soil moisture probes help farmers effectively irrigate crops, save water, cut costs & increase yieldsShopwaveShopwave provides merchant infrastructure as a service, combining an iPad based PoS, with loyalty, couponing and payment services.SOMM'ITSOMM'IT est le premier assistant sommelier digital dédié à la restaurationToutiloWisecropWisecrop est un système d'exploitation agricoleZenchefZenchef permet aux restaurateurs de mieux gérer leur communication digitale et leurs réservations en ligne, sans commissions.«1…171819202122»