AfineurAfineur crafts better, healthier and more sustainable food using natural fermentations. AussielentAussielent is the product of our mission to bring a nutrient rich, hassle free food to the time-poorBeehexBeeHex specializes in 3D food printing, food personalization, and automationCafe XDrinkrootKAVA GROWN NATURALLY, THE WAY ITS BEEN DONE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.FlorentinFlorentin BV was focused on producing fresh, authentic and appetizing Mediterranean delicatessens.Flyt (Flypay)Flypay est une application qui transforme l'expérience client au restaurantFweeFwee transforme les fruits invendus par un procédé de déshydratation en cuir de fruit.KissyoFresh five* premiumfood specialized in the product development, production and sales of organic Frozen Yogurt products.MedMenMiso RoboticsRobot burger assistant maker FlippyMission BoxIn short, you will have everything you want where you want it to be in less than an hour without having to go out, queuing or any other inconvenience that may alter your comfort.mybabyallergy.commybabyallergy is a digital platform that tries to make lives of families with children having any kind of food allergy/intolerance easierNutriatiNutriati is a food technology company focused on the research, development and commercialization of innovative plant-based food ingredients.OpenTableOsitradeOsitrade is a blockchain secured agricultural marketplacePancakebotLa première impriemante 3D de pancakesPlantLabPlantLab develops innovative methods to grow plants in underground boxes and indoors.PubsterPubsters vous fera voyager le temps d’une collation.RicultRicult has introduced state-of-the-art systems to help farmers in every step.Sakara LifeSakara Life est une entreprise de livraison de repas biologiques et sains qui s'engage pour votre santé et bien-être. SuperMeatSuperMeat est une foodtech/biotech israélienne qui développe une solution technologique pour créer une viande sans cellules animales.Sweet PumpkinNous avons donc pris notre bâton de pèlerin pour partir à la recherche des meilleurs producteurs, pour distribuer leurs produits.teaBOTYour personnalized blend of teaUAV-IQ Precision AgricultureUnrealUNREAL est une entreprise alimentaire basée à Boston qui tente de débarrasser le monde de la "malbouffe" en proposant des bonbons et de collations plus saines.WacolsNew “healthy” food products based on “super foods”WaracakeWaraCake is Nigeria's Largest cake marketplace.«1…1516171819…38»