AgriSoAgriSo is a complete farm management solution and real time monitoringAgroopTechnological solution for crop monitoringAéromateAéromate est une start-up en agriculture urbaine qui produit des fruits, légumes et herbes aromatiques sur les toits parisiens.CeradisCeradis develops environmental friendly solutions for plant nutrition, crop protection and formulation technology.constellrConstellr develops an imaging technology to assess vegetation, soil health, and industrial monitoring for the agriculture sector.COPHICueillette UrbaineCueillette Urbaine fait venir ses clients dans un espace d’agriculture urbaine hautement végétalisé où ils peuvent cueillir des Fruits & LégumesDemand Side InstrumentsDemand Side Instruments, they are aware of the finiteness of natural resources around the world.DietLabsDietLabs is platform which change people's habits in a dieting and lifestyle.DilepixComputer Vision for Agricultural Robots and EquipmentsDNAFitRaise awareness of genetic testing for sports performance and weight management at all levels.Farm BackupFarmBackup is seeking to disrupt machine rental within the global farming industry by connecting farmers owning various types of agricultural machinery with farmers looking to hire specialised machinery in a given location.FaromaticsWe develop professional livestock robots to increase animal welfare, improve farm productivity and create better products for consumers.GrönskaVertical farming company developing tech and producing vegetables and herbs locally.InstagreenThe InstaGrow, keeping your living greens alive and happy!L'orangerie de parisL'orangerie de paris est le spécialiste de la distribution automatique de jus d'oranges pressées en entreprise à Paris Ile de France.Loop Dee ScienceMaking molecular biology faster and more accessible!MaceoMACEO is a brand of smart tableware that answers your needsMatchaSommelier digital intelligent pour tous les vendeurs de vinNutritioPersonalized nutrition at your fingertipsOctinionOctinion is an innovative engineering company a.o. active in the agro- & food industry.OmbreaOmbrea is developing a turnkey climate regulation tool, adapted to crops sensitive to weather hazards.ONO Exponential FarmingAgTech, Vertical Farm, Tech enabler,Peas & LoveLes fermes Peas&Love louent des parcelles de potager entretenu à ses riverains, les Urban Farmers.SeaWater CubesAquaculture of the futureSencropNous rassemblons tous ceux qui se consacrent à apporter des services agricoles de précision précieux aux agriculteurs partout dans le monde.WineristWinerist est une nouvelle plate-forme mondiale de tourisme viticole en ligneZtoveThe sensor placed in the bottom of the cookware provides very precise control over the temperature and enables many new cooking possibilities.«1…89101112…15»