AbelioAbelio offers a daily crop monitoring solution.AlyveAlyve operates and develops a nutrition and vitamin subscription service.Bella & BonaBella & Bona provides an ideal premium quality food delivery service for people to turn lunch breaks into a moment of well-being.CainthusCainthus software analyses visual information and processes it to provide farmers with easily understandable and actionable data.Easilys (Ideolys)La solution 100% full-webdédiée à la gestion de vos restaurantsEaternityWe revolutionize the restaurant industry by giving them smart insights into their supply chain, that benefits people, planet and profit.FoodCrewRecommendations of places to eatFrigo MagicWith Frigo Magic, use your kitchen ingredients to easily cook delicious mealsGoferGofer est une application mobile qui simplifie l'embauche d'extras dans l'hôtellerie restauration.H2HYDROPONICSH2HYDROPONICS develops a hydroponics system that reduces the consumption of electricity and water.JavelotLa première solution de thermométrie connectée pour le stockage de grainsMicron AgriTechMicron AgriTech develops a portable testing kit that enables farmers or vets to detect parasitic infections in cattle instantly.Milano ViceMilano Vice is building a new virtual food brand by working with professional kitchens to prepare and deliver delicious pizzas to home.MonsieurGourmand.comMonsieurGourmand.com offers multi-site catering services to help companies organize events throughout FranceNatural Machines3D printers with fresh ingredientsPampaasPampaas improves the work, performance and daily life of animal farmers.PopinaLa caisse enregistreuse sur IpadPrivateaserOne Place for each moment. Choose among 3000 bars, restaurants, clubs, rooms the place you want to book and privatize.Prêt à PousserCultivez des aromates et des champignons toute l'année dans votre cuisineSerketSerket is named after the Egyptian goddess of nature, animals, medicine and magic.ShopmiumShopmium est un service de coupon et de promotion mobileSmunch.coSmunch est une cantine virtuelle qui propose des déjeuners délicieux et abordables pour toute l'équipe au bureau.Spoon GuruAI Nutrition platform helping shoppers find the right foods for their individual health & wellness needsSuperbSuperb is introducing a new way for restaurants to build relationships, maximise revenue and increase retention.Taster (Mission Food)Livraison de plats cuisinés déclinés selon des spécialités ( vietnamienne, hawaïenne...).Togather (formerly Feast It)Togather is an online marketplace that allows its customers to book independent caterers for their work or social events.TOTEMTotem's mission is to enhance social interactions at the workplace, by creating flexible & customized mini-cafeteria.VitiroverDes troupeux de robots connectés remplacent le glyphosate«1…89101112…27»