3D By FlowThe very first portable and 3D Food printerAgro IntelligenceWe automate farmingAlbicchiereALBICCHIERE is a smart dispenser with IoT functions for wine in bag with a mobile App and e-commerce platform where people can buy wine.ALZAGROALZAGRO manufactures a smart and reliable grain sampling drone that provides information about the grains' quality.Baguette AcademyBaguette Academy supports schools, catering, food chains, industrial to implement digital and blended learning solutions.Candy KittensCandy Kittens is an innovative, gourmet sweet range that set out to focus on quality.CleanGreens Solutions SA (ex CombaGroup)Combagroup est une entreprise suisse Agtech qui propose des solutions innovantes et un système de production aéroponique pour l'industrie alimentaire de traitement des saladesClear flight solutionsClear Flight Solutions creates unmanned aircraft systems and specializes in bird control and aerial inspections. We solve problems by combining the strength of nature with new technologiesFeedFeed. est une foodtech qui conçoit des repas complets dans des formats adaptés aux personnes actives. A partir de 2,50€FlowtifyFlowtify helps food processing companies to carry out quality and hygiene audits using App and IoT products.FormitableAll-in-one growth platform for restaurantsFreed Foods (Mister Free'd)Free'd is the UK's most exciting gluten free brand.Kawa CoffeeKawa est une solution qui vous apporte du café fraichement torréfié tous les jours sur votre lieu de travail.KITRORendre simple la gestion des déchetsKnusperreichCookie deliveryNaio TechnologiesNaïo Technologies conçoit des robots agricoles et viticoles pour une agriculture plus humaine, rentable, saine et durable.NohrlundDuring summer 2014, a group of friends created Nohrlund, they were wall passionate about cocktails and they dreamed about making fine cocktails available for everyone.OuilinkOuilin, l'outil pour réinventer la gestions des dépenses, par des professionels, pour des professionelsPotpotamPotpotam, créateur de goûts pour vos bouts de choux!Remeo gelatoSIGNATURE BREWSnack InsectInsect Food Products & Teaching Taste CocktailsTASTE cocktails vous aide à faire des cocktails de qualité bar à la maisonThe meal plannerThe MealPlanner is a Finnish nutritional MedTech company.VertuVertu, c’est le plaisir de partager toutes les vertus naturelles des fruits & légumes avec ceux qui aiment se faire du bien, sans en avoir le tempsVingineersDigitizing wineries to get the best wine from every vine.VisualVISUAL farm management platform powered by satellites, sensors and machine learning for a sustainable agricultureWicklow wolfWicklow, because that’s where we opened our brewhouse in Bray.«1…1920212223…43»